13 June 2005


It looks like one of my fancy rats, Sis, has a tumor. I know that they are susceptible to tumors, so I check them pretty much all the time. This one got by me because it was in-between her front paws, and soft... I was expecting something more like the fatty tumors I or Cherokee have had, hard lumps... so I missed it.

I started to notice her slowing down about a week ago, but didn't really figure it out until, well, I saw it.

Color me fairly unhappy about this. I know that I am fairly comfortable with "the circle of life", but it is tough to be emotionally unattached, even when you know that she has nearly reached the end of her reasonable life span.

I know it's the whole suffering thing for me. Prolonged suffering serves no purpose, and I don't want her to be uncomfortable. For the time being, she is eating, drinking, running in her wheel, and not seeming crabby... so I'm thinking she is okay for now.


Get A Life! said...

Am I the only one concerned that a creature used to study if substances cause cancer are susceptible to tumors to begin with? (So are Dobermanns, for that matter)

Sorry to hear Sis is not well. I hope she is comfortable for some time yet so you can say your goodbyes.

Anonymous said...

Aw! I just got to know her.
My fancy rat died from a similar cause.
Good luck!

Viv said...

I've lost close animals to. I will be praying that she stays confortable and for strength for you.

Unknown said...

she is still hanging in there. not moving much, she looks tired.