03 January 2008

Happy New Year (pt2)

It was a rough holiday season this year for me. All the changes going on in and around my life. Having to spend my saved up Christmas money on new tires for my car. The general feeling of disconnectedness I have had from the church, all left me kind of blah. So I guess it wasn't so rough as it just wasn't special like it has been in the past few years.

That being said, I still managed to cram in some fun. I did the traditional (for me) visit to Vivian's parents house.
Viv says "I don't care how tired you are, you can't use my lap for a pillow, you, um, drool."

They put these out for snacking, I think they are the larva of giant fruit flies.

Using the Strengths Finder quiz, Viv found out one of her strengths was "Includer". Here she is trying unsuccessfully to include herself in this picture.

After dinner and gifts we played Cut Throat Solitaire, and amazingly I did not win, however there may have been some confusion about the rules by the winner of the game, so it could have been a tainted win.

We also did the "stocking" thing that is a tradition in Viv's family. I think it is growing on me, I enjoyed it this year. The meal was wonderful, as was the company, much thanks to Viv and her parents for having me over.

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