01 August 2005

Killer Frisbees

Ouch! Of all the stupid things that I do, I managed to hurt myself bending over to pick up a frisbee. I pulled my butt muscles, er, lower back, way lower back. I kind of got it stretched back out shortly there after dancing, but by mid-afternoon I couldn't even bend over.

So I came home and took a muscle relaxer and some pain killers. Oops, I took migraine medicine earlier in the day. Can you say "do not attempt to operate heavy machinery"? I know I made a posting yesterday at some point, but I am afraid to see what it says. Hey, I know, next time I mix medicines, why don't I just throw in a big swig of nyquil and a couple beers.

The moral of the story is "if you don't want to post stupid things, just leave the frisbee on the ground."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I guess it could have been a lot worse, whew.