06 December 2005

No Room At The Inn...

Check this article out Mega-Churches closed on Christmas from Yahoo News. Let's see, God submitted Himself to the human condition, born a helpless baby in a barn to a teenage girl so you could declare that Christmas services would not "...be the most effective use of staff and volunteer resources." Wow... If you (myself included) really understood what God has done for you, you would beat your hands against the doors of the church just for the privilidge of worshiping Him.

Just as an aside, Willow Creek Church in suburban Chicago began in, and is named after an old movie theater in Palatine, IL where, when I liked movies more, I once sat for six hours to see a "Pink Panther" marathon.


Viv said...

This article made me agree. Isn't Christmas when most people go to church? I agree with the point that worship needs to be an everyday occurence and it doesn't have to be in a church building. What's that conviction have to do with Christmas day. Churches should especially be open on Christmas to welcome people who are more open to coming to church. If the volunteers and staff would serve on Christmas to proclaim what Christ has done it would be great act of worship. It's Jesus's birthday not family day.

Get A Life! said...

I too saw this report and chuckled...it's like Wal-Mart being closed the day after Thanksgiving...why would you turn people away on the one day they might show up? I think this smells of publicity stunt. BTW, I have it on good authority that one of the big pastors at this church takes summers off to pursue his passion of sailboating. Must be nice. Now he wants Christmas off too?