10 September 2008

Physics Rant

The Large Hadron Collider went on line today in Geneva, Switzerland. For those of you who don't pay attention to such things, the LHC is a particle accelerator capable of creating the environment that existed within the first microseconds of the creation of the universe. The energies involved with the collisions may be able create matter dense enough that it becomes a black hole. Yes, a black hole. On earth. Switzerland isn't far enough away.

I like science, I keep up on science, I understand that even if a black hole were created in the lab, it would be so small that, theoretically, it would evaporate before it could pull any other object into it. Objects like, oh, I don't know: The Earth. The people who are conducting the experiments are also the ones verifying it's safety, not exactly an impartial group. Of course I am being a bit of an alarmist, so you can check out this article from Science Daily about the safety of the experiments If The Large Hadron Collider Produced A Microscopic Black Hole, It Probably Wouldn't Matter. I'm sorry, does that say "probably"?

Frankly, I don't think the risks that are being taken are worth the possible scientific gain. These types of experiments should take place far away in space. Enough whining about what could go wrong, let's get to the real purpose of the LHC: To provide cushy, high paying jobs to physicists, but hey, at least they aren't out there creating weaponry.

In all likelihood when the machine begins to produce high energy collisions, everything will go according to plan, and we will all be just fine, but if it doesn't, and we are all dead, at least I will quit wondering how many starving people could be fed for a year with the $15 billion it cost to build the thing.


Get A Life! said...

Excellent post! You've given me a smile and a chance to consider your valid concerns and conclusions.

I myself am more of a 'lets see if we can and ask if we should later' type of science buff. Full speed ahead, particles! C'mere stem cells, what's inside you?

Ah, the best laid plans of mice and men.

Ben said...

I think the main concerns about black holes and stranglets are overblown. The media has done a wonderful job of encouraging FUD for this. Everyone likes a good doomsday or conspiracy story.

It's prudent to remember the volumes of energy being released at the LHC are fairly common event in nature. The LHC at full output basically replicates cosmic ray strikes in a controlled environment. Here's a more detailed explanation: http://public.web.cern.ch/Public/en/LHC/Safety-en.html

Lastly, the considerable sum that will be spent is more like $8-9 billion. Of which, the EU has mostly financed. Though we did chip in about 5-6% of that. I'm of the opinion that the science per dollar is at least as good as the space program.

$0.02, Ben

Get A Life! said...

And perhaps you both could use a few of < a href="http://dilbert.com/blog/entry/nerd_pickup_lines/">these< /a>