11 January 2012

First Week of January 2012

Monday was an off day, so I made the most of it by sleeping in, and then heading to Kaleb's house to watch the Nebraska bowl game. It didn't go Nebraska's way. When it was obvious that Nebraska wasn't going to win, Kaleb and I played some ping pong, I even let him keep score. He won. I admit it, I don't try very hard at ping pong, and at some level, I think of it as a social game. I am competitive at other games and sports, even badminton at Kaleb's house, but I can't really 'turn it on' for ping pong.

About 1600 I met VK at Target at Crossroads for the express purpose of buying a pair of jeans. It didn't happen. I think it's funny how it is so difficult for me to buy jeans. What I didn't buy, and should have, was hand weights for walking. We made our way over to Noodles and Company for dinner, I ate, VK didn't. I think I always order the same thing there, which I like, but can't remember what it is without looking at the menu every time. After eating we headed over to Kaleb's and we played some ping pong, this time I won, and we test played the Little Empires game Kaleb has been helping an acquaintance out with.

Tuesday started on call, and a headache. I came home right after work, and as I parked the car, I remembered that we didn't have any butter, so I went to Aldi to get some. After I cooked, I spent the evening catching up on my blog.

Wednesday after work was the same as Tuesday, except I did a cooking experiment. Although the results look good, it was kind of like the steak I cooked a few weeks ago, good, but kind of an unexpected taste. As I have discussed here before, my brain and preconceived notions about taste really trip me up for eating new things.

This may just be the obligatory picture I have to have on any blog post.

Thursday was a dull boring, stay at home kind of day.

Friday was a pretty exciting day of work, and by exciting, I mean really really busy. I only ended up working about 20 minutes late however, it was an important 20 minutes. Joe began showing the Catholicism video series. I was late getting there because of working late and several missteps getting there. I was so late in fact that Marilou beat me there, but only by about 10 seconds.

The first two episodes were shown with about 10-12 people in attendance. Some of the first few words from Father Barron set the tone "I don't want to see Jesus become domesticated..." then he laid out how Jesus 'came with a sword' ... it was fabulous viewing, there was almost no talking during each of the sessions. The videos got over around 2200, and we sat and chit-chatted until 2315. I ended up going downtown for the last 20 minutes of the swing dance. Then home and to bed.

Saturday during the day I went grocery shopping and to Walgreen's, then came home and watched football. It was fairly dull for a regular Saturday, but downright eventful for an on call one.

Sunday morning, um, at 1230, I went to church with Joe at Saint Mary's in Bellevue. I am always amazed at how efficiently the priests in our Archdiocese are at getting Mass to last exactly one hour. Father Mark was did not appear to be feeling very well, but he didn't seem to rush or slow down, I looked at my phone as we left, it said 1330. I didn't get any work calls, so Joe and I went over to DJ's Dugout and had lunch and watched playoff football. It was so exciting, I can't remember who was playing, I think it had to be the Giants and the Falcons, but I am not sure ... no wait ... yes, that was it. After lunch was over with, I came home and napped. The weather was too nice to not get outside for a little while after the nap, then I ran some errands, and caught end of the game with the Steelers getting Tebowed on the radio. I took a few calls in the evening, but that was the extent of my week and on call.

Just in case anyone was curious, here are my exercise totals for 2011:
  • 1796 push ups and dips
  • 4542 sit ups
  • 3h 24m of aerobic exercise (not dancing)
  • 59m of yoga
  • 92h 59m of dancing
  • 313.16 miles of walking
  • 19.30 miles of running

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