08 December 2010

November / December Bridge Week 2010

This was a super slow week, fortunately, I found stuff to do by writing my NaNoWriMo story Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Wednesday night I also went to the 'serious' game night at Kaleb's. Kaleb and tried a game of Roll Through the Ages: The Bronze Age before anyone else got there. We then played the classic, Puerto Rico. Thursday was more writing.

Friday I went to a game night party at Stacy's house. It was a lot more socializing than gaming, but we did play so social games including Quelf, I probably won't go out of my way to play it again. Around 2300 I went to Friday dance.

Saturday I ran errands all day buying stuff for the chili contest. Saturday night was my department work party. Jenny went with me. She agreed to go before she met Kris, so there is no controversy, nice try.

Sunday I was up early and off to Mass Chaos. We went to Immaculate Conception this week, it's the Latin Mass parish, and it was at 0900 ... and it seemed all the earlier. The Mass in Latin is right at the edge of my memory from being a small boy, so it kind of drove me half nuts trying to remember it.

The rest of Sunday was spent preparing for the Chili Throwdown 2010. I made up my chili, got everything set up downstairs, and waited for the guests to arrive.

There were 14 entries for the chili contest.
It looks like Heather really likes that one. Photo credit: Matt

42 people came to the party (insert Hitchhiker joke here), this is just a third of them.

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The winners: 1st place - CJ, 2nd place - Julia, 3rd Place - Lisa,
Spiciest - Ben, Most Unique - Matt. Both middle and lower right photo credit: Matt

Four pretty ladies doing the YMCA in front of a Cialis commercial...
Photo credit: Matt

You can see lots of pictures around the interwebs, mine are here, Matt's are here, Jillian and Sarah also had their cameras there. The chili feed was a tremendous success, thank you one and all for attending.

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