04 August 2006

Peter Loggins Corn Eating Method

Look, someone else has Peter Loggin's odd corn eating method.
And I've issued a challenge too!
photo somewhat courtesy of CNN


Viv said...

I believe I would like to except this challenge you've put out. Go ahead and put your corn where your mouth is. You think you can beat me to? I dare you. Are you adding up both years to make it up to 12 ears of corn? You are sooo going down buddy.

Unknown said...

did you read the challenge? you don't qualify. nice try.

Viv said...

I realize I'm not from Hawaii but you said you were going to eat 13 ears and that would beat my record of 12 last year. I plan on eating more then 13 and kicking your Televison M.......

Becky said...

I don't think this dog meets the Peter Loggins standard- there isn't NEARLY enough uneaten corn on the ground. ;o)

Linda said...

I was wondering what that meant too.

Unknown said...

viv is referring to the body part known as the "butt". this comes from her putting her own rear end right in front of the kptm camera when they filmed at litp, and then claiming it was because her heinie was television material.

Viv said...