04 October 2007

Lost Cat? Stupid OnionBoy! Clever Schmendrick.

As regular readers of this virtual rag know, I have two cats. A male, Zeke, and a female, Sierra. The have their claws because I let them out in the back yard for short periods of time. Typically Zeke wanders off, and Sierra stays close to the house, running in and out of the house about every three minutes.

Last night I let them out when I got home at 1830, then cooked dinner. After I ate, I grabbed some laundry out of the washer to hang it out on the line ... after which I decided to herd the cats back in the house, probably at about 1930. I grabbed Zeke, put him in the house, but couldn't immediately locate Sierra. No problem she'll be back shortly.


No cat, I'm a little upset. If it was Zeke, I would just be concerned. I start to do stuff to distract myself, like, start another load of laundry. I changed clothes and threw the dirty stuff in.


I'm really worried and upset now, even Schmendrick is worried. I am starting to panic, I go to look for my phone to ask people to pray for me. Can't find phone, can't find cat. AAAAAAH.


Schmendrick is finally up and looking.

Pull the laundry out of the washer ... oh, there is my phone, at the bottom of the washer ... clean and damp. Crap!

Schmendrick pours cat food into the bowl, oh there is Sierra at the back door.

So I have a cat, but no phone now. Don't call me for the next couple of weeks, just e-mail.

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