13 April 2006

7 on

I am now doing my first full week of 7 on now. I really thought I was going to be much smarter about getting enough sleep. I didn't on Monday night, falling asleep after 11pm. Then Tuesday night I hung out with Viv until after 9pm. Then last night I went to Troy and Merinda's until after 9pm also. This weekend isn't looking any better either. I have been pretty constant in saying that I need 8-9 hours sleep. Which, now would require me to be asleep around 8pm, getting up around 4:15. Right now I am subsisting on 6ish, plus the afternoon nap. Tonight I came home and crashed, no food, no anything, I was just plain out for about 2 hours. Then I got up and went shopping.

I have been a wild man lately, spending money on a new hat, a new pair of sunglasses, four new tumblers for summer drinks, and not one, but two pair of sandals. Will this madness ever end? I mean I've spent almost $40! Who knew I could?

Somehow in all my planning for work & surgery & holidays... I missed having to cut my lawn. I hope I feel well enough to do it by the end of next week, it will be pretty nappy looking if it goes much longer than that.

Thanks to Beckstraordinary & her sister, Ms Smoothie for some tasty treats last night at T&M's. It's the closest I've come to ice cream during lent.... mmmm.