30 April 2006

Surgery Update, v000A

Okay, so it's almost been two weeks now. Today is the first day that I actually feel "normal", although my nose is still hurting, the swelling has gone down enough now that it just feels like a broken nose. I am starting to breathe normally, and getting nasal drainage, in fact you should of seen the thing I got when I blew my nose this morning... Wow! It was like the size of my thumb, the colors were really interesting, and the taste was... well nevermind.

I am still a little leery about dancing with any dips or arm up moves, but that should go away soon enough.

1 comment:

Aerona said...

*looks at butt jiggling on floor* Uh, right. Which one is more disgusting I wonder?

*rolls eyes*

I'm glad to hear you're starting to feel up to par. *raises a box of tissues in Onion's honor* Here's to seeing you dancing!