25 January 2008

How Smart Are We?

I am a big believer in "the more things change, the more they stay the same". I was struck by this thought as I read this article about HGH (Human Growth Hormone). Here is an excerpt below:
LOS ANGELES, California -- Dr. Andre Berger sees himself as a pioneer. Where others in the medical community believe injections of human growth hormone should be given to adults in only rare cases, Berger believes it is a crucial part of keeping people young and vital.

Berger, who has been practicing anti-aging and holistic medicine for 30 years, says he is now prescribing injections of HGH to about one out of every four people he treats at his Rejuvalife Vitality Institute in Beverly Hills...
Now it's true, I am not a physician, but I think I can recognize a conman / slick salesman when I see one. One doctor selling anti-aging to the rich and beautiful, glowing testimonials, and a lack of scientific evidence.

Besides the phrase at the top, as I read this article, I was reminded firstly of the story of Radithor, (here is the Wikipedia Reference), a medicinal product marketed in the 1920s that was basically distilled water with radioactive salts mixed in. People drank this radioactive substance as a cure all, and it was by no means the only radioactive "medicine" available. What makes Radithor interesting was that the use of it was directly tied to the death of an individual (read articles) and led to the FDA having considerable say in the manufacture and use of medicines. Of course before radioactive products were the rage, there were cocaine and opium based products.

I was also reminded of ongoing controversy with steroids, ritalin, or half a dozen (or million) other drugs and substances as well. All of this makes me wonder just how smart we are. As we recoil in horror from the drug/chemical mistakes of the past, how will our great-grandchildren view our habits of today?

Which brings me to another favorite phrase of mine "Those who are ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it..." Although in truth, even when we know history, we repeat it anyways.


Janna said...

I wonder what Coca-Cola tasted like back in the days when it was made with real cocaine.

Get A Life! said...

Yes, you are right that many 'conventional wisdom' items turn out to be disasters in hindsight, and charlatans abound. But sign me up for HGH! I hope there's a pusher at my health club. I want to magically increase muscle mass and have the metabolisim of an 18 yr old. You wouldn't have any Botox on you, would you?

Two books I recommend: Survival of the Sickest and Charlatan.