06 January 2006

God at Work

This is VERY strange. Many of you know that I HATE not getting enough sleep, like it is the one thing that will make me FREAK out... I need to know I am going to get my 8 hours or I am a crabby, stressed man.

Well all of sudden this week, I’m not freaked out. I was short sleep Monday night because my sleep schedule was screwy from the weekend, I didn’t worry about it, I just made it up Tuesday. I stayed up and watched the game on Wednesday, only about 5.5hrs sleep... no worries no stress, I just made it up yesterday. Now tonight, I have to work tomorrow morning, usually I’d plan to go home, nap, then dance AND leave early. I mean I am SO unconcerned. God working?

1 comment:

Get A Life! said...

Attribute it to a higher power if you wish, but there has been talk of sleep deprivation reducing depression!
