31 January 2006

Stupid Eric tricks, part 0003

From the "he who can laugh at himself will always have company" department.

The dumb Eric story of the week... I was kind of proud of getting my weekly stupidity out of the way on a Monday. I was leaving for dance practice, and I had my car key chain in my hand. At the last second, I decided to get a soda out of the fridge. I grabbed the soda, put it in my dance shoe bag, closed the fridge door ...and... pointed the remote for the doors on my car at the fridge and pressed ‘lock’. I was NOT rewarded with a light flash or a beep, in fact, the fridge door didn’t lock at all.


Viv said...

Shouldn't it be Part 1592. :-)
That would be something I would do to.

Beckstraordinary said...

Pah ha!

Anonymous said...

That would be what we used to call a "movie moment" - one of those rare and wonderfully spontaneous moments in life that are so well scripted, it should be in a movie. Nice work. That act, along with the commentary that the fridge in fact did NOT lock, will make me laugh for a long time. :)

Sarah said...

I was almost hoping that you were going to put your keys *in* the fridge and walk off, like my mother does with the tv remote every once in a while.